Become a member of Glenridge Middle School’s PTSA & enjoy these member benefits!
* be informed about school wide information and events
* be active by participating in events and meetings
*. be cool & display GMS car magnet & other logo gifts
* be supportive of teacher mini grants
* be helpful by giving your time and talents
* be a part of the GMS community
PTSA membership sign up DIRECT LINK
PTSA Facebook page:
PTSA Instagram page:
Here are the 2022-23 PTSA board members & their contact information.
Please contact them with any PTSA questions!
The 2022-23 board members are as follows:
President: Stephanie Harley, [email protected]
1st VP: Nicole Kassner, [email protected]
2nd VP: Jessica Brown, [email protected]
Treasurer: Karen Dauplaise, [email protected]
Recording Secretary: Cama Piccini, [email protected]
Corresponding Secretary: Tia Phillips Carrizzo, [email protected]